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Building an API consumer-first with Pact

Testing, Automation, JavaScript, Software Development6 min read

child interacting with a robot
Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

At the start of April I decided to finally take the leap and try and build my own app, based on my personal project of automating my CV with FRESH and HackMyResume.

I’m currently going through the idea validation stage of the app but as the app will ultimately need a backend I decided to invest some time building a basic API with Create, Read, Update & Delete (CRUD) functionality for the CV data.

This CRUD API was the perfect excuse for me to try out Pact, a tool I’d used previously for testing my API consumer code in another project but never for it’s purpose as a consumer-driven contract testing solution.

I really enjoyed using Pact and the paradigm shift it offered so I thought I’d share my experience using it and I’ve created a demo project you can download to try it out yourself.

What is consumer-driven contract testing?

Contract testing is the act of validating a contract, in the case of an API this would be the contract of what the API endpoint expects to receive and what it returns based on the input.

It’s common practice when building an API to produce some form of document, either in the form of documentation or API definition using a tool like Swagger.

While Swagger is a great tool (and it compliments Pact well) it has some flaws:

  • The Swagger document (even those generated as part of the code base) can become incorrect if the implementation is updated but the documentation is not
  • The Swagger document is usually used one-way with the API consumer, using it to test the contract and the API provider never verifying the contract is maintained
  • As an API provider it’s hard to visualise which services are consuming the API and which properties they are actually using as there’s no means of the consumer telling Swagger this

Consumer-driven contract testing flips this top-down, one-way communication flow with the API consumer defining how they are using the API and the API provider using the definition to test that it honours the ‘pact’.

This is a powerful idea as it means that the API provider is free to update any endpoints or properties that are not used by any of the API’s consumers, allowing the API to evolve while maintaining quality.

Pact’s Broker service also provides a great visualisation of the different consumers for an API provider which helps in scaled micro-service based deployments where an API provider could have numerous consumers all requiring different properties.

Designing the API

As mentioned earlier, Swagger is a great tool and it’s still by far the best tool I’ve ever used for jumping in to sketch out an API, so I started by creating the following Swagger doc for the API.

1openapi: 3.0.0
2# Added by API Auto Mocking Plugin
4 - description: SwaggerHub API Auto Mocking
5 url:
7 description: API for demoing Pact
8 version: "1.0.0"
9 title: Pact Demo API
10 contact:
11 email:
12 license:
13 name: Apache 2.0
14 url: ''
16 - name: public
17 description: Available to everyone without logging in
18 - name: private
19 description: Available only to the logged in user
21 /accounts/:
22 post:
23 tags:
24 - public
25 summary: Create an account for the user
26 operationId: signupUser
27 description: |
28 Using the provided email and password, create the user account
29 requestBody:
30 description: User's email and password
31 required: true
32 content:
33 application/json:
34 schema:
35 $ref: '#/components/schemas/LoginDetails'
36 responses:
37 '201':
38 description: User account successfully created
39 content:
40 application/json:
41 schema:
42 type: object
43 '400':
44 description: Account already exists for that user
45 content:
46 application/json:
47 schema:
48 type: object
49 properties:
50 message:
51 type: string
52 description: error message
53 example: Account already exists
54 '406':
55 description: User didn't send application/json content-type header
56 /sessions/:
57 post:
58 tags:
59 - public
60 summary: Log the user in with the credentials provided
61 operationId: loginUser
62 description: |
63 Using the provided email and password, logs the user in to the system
64 requestBody:
65 description: User's email and password
66 required: true
67 content:
68 application/json:
69 schema:
70 $ref: '#/components/schemas/LoginDetails'
71 responses:
72 '201':
73 description: User successfully logged in, returns Token for authentication
74 content:
75 application/json:
76 schema:
77 type: object
78 properties:
79 token:
80 type: string
81 description: Auth token for user to use with subsequent calls to server
82 example: dead-b33f-1337-beef
83 '400':
84 description: User provided incorrect details
85 content:
86 application/json:
87 schema:
88 type: object
89 properties:
90 message:
91 type: string
92 description: error message
93 example: Account doesn't exist
94 '406':
95 description: User didn't send application/json content-type header
96 delete:
97 tags:
98 - private
99 security:
100 - BearerAuth: []
101 summary: Log the user out
102 operationId: logoutUser
103 description: Log the user out of their current session
104 responses:
105 '204':
106 description: User successfully logged out
107 '401':
108 description: User is unable to be logged out, as they aren't logged in
109 /dogs/:
110 get:
111 tags:
112 - private
113 summary: Lists user's dogs
114 operationId: getDogs
115 security:
116 - BearerAuth: []
117 description: |
118 Gets the dogs for the logged in user
119 responses:
120 '200':
121 description: User fetched all their dogs successfully
122 content:
123 application/json:
124 schema:
125 $ref: '#/components/schemas/DogList'
126 '401':
127 description: User is unable to fetch their dogs, as they aren't logged in
128 post:
129 tags:
130 - private
131 summary: Creates a new dog
132 operationId: createDog
133 security:
134 - BearerAuth: []
135 description: |
136 Creates a new dog for the logged in user
137 requestBody:
138 description: Doggo information
139 required: true
140 content:
141 application/json:
142 schema:
143 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dog'
144 responses:
145 '201':
146 description: User successfully created dog, returns ID of the new dog
147 content:
148 application/json:
149 schema:
150 $ref: '#/components/schemas/DogList'
151 '400':
152 description: User sent bad data to create dog with, returns a list of paths to the incorrect data
153 content:
154 application/json:
155 schema:
156 $ref: '#/components/schemas/DogUpdateErrors'
157 '401':
158 description: User is unable to create dog, most likely due to not being logged in
159 '406':
160 description: User didn't send application/json content-type header
161 /dogs/${dogId}:
162 get:
163 tags:
164 - public
165 summary: Returns dog
166 operationId: getDog
167 description: |
168 Returns the dog with the provided ID if in system
169 parameters:
170 - in: path
171 name: dogId
172 description: ID (uuid) of the dog to return
173 required: true
174 example: dead-beef-1337-beef
175 schema:
176 type: string
177 responses:
178 '200':
179 description: Dog with the provided ID
180 content:
181 application/json:
182 schema:
183 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dog'
184 '404':
185 description: No dog in the system with provided ID
186 delete:
187 tags:
188 - private
189 summary: Deletes a dog
190 operationId: deleteDog
191 security:
192 - BearerAuth: []
193 description: |
194 Deletes the dog with the provided ID if in system and belongs to the user
195 parameters:
196 - in: path
197 name: dogId
198 description: ID (uuid) of the dog to return
199 required: true
200 example: dead-beef-1337-beef
201 schema:
202 type: string
203 responses:
204 '204':
205 description: User successfully deleted dog
206 '401':
207 description: User isn't logged in
208 '403':
209 description: User is trying to delete a dog that doesn't belong to them
210 '404':
211 description: No dog in the system with provided ID
212 patch:
213 tags:
214 - private
215 summary: Updates dog info
216 operationId: updateDog
217 security:
218 - BearerAuth: []
219 description: |
220 Updates the dog with the provided ID if in the system and belongs to the user
221 parameters:
222 - in: path
223 name: dogId
224 description: ID (uuid) of the dog to update info of
225 required: true
226 example: dead-beef-1337-beef
227 schema:
228 type: string
229 requestBody:
230 description: Sets of changes to make to the dog's info
231 required: true
232 content:
233 application/json:
234 schema:
235 $ref: '#/components/schemas/DogInfoUpdates'
236 example:
237 - compatibility:
238 cats: Hates the things
239 responses:
240 '200':
241 description: User successfully updated dog's info
242 content:
243 application/json:
244 schema:
245 $ref: '#/components/schemas/Dog'
246 '401':
247 description: User isn't logged in
248 '400':
249 description: User sent bad data to perform update with, returns list of paths to incorrect objects
250 content:
251 application/json:
252 schema:
253 $ref: '#/components/schemas/DogUpdateErrors'
254 '403':
255 description: User is trying to update the info of a dog that doesn't belong to them
256 '404':
257 description: No dog in the system with provided ID
258 '406':
259 description: User didn't send application/json content-type header
261 securitySchemes:
262 BearerAuth:
263 type: http
264 scheme: bearer
265 schemas:
266 LoginDetails:
267 type: object
268 properties:
269 email:
270 type: string
271 description: User's email to log in with
272 example:
273 password:
274 type: string
275 description: User's password to log in with
276 example: correctHorseBatteryStaple
277 DogList:
278 type: array
279 items:
280 type: object
281 properties:
282 id:
283 type: string
284 description: ID of the dog in the system
285 example: dead-b33f-1337-beef
286 DogUpdateErrors:
287 type: array
288 items:
289 type: object
290 properties:
291 path:
292 type: string
293 description: JSONPath to incorrect data
294 example: 0.age
295 error:
296 type: string
297 description: Reason why data is incorrect
298 example: "Age is expected to be a number"
299 DogInfoUpdates:
300 type: array
301 items:
302 type: object
303 properties:
304 name:
305 type: string
306 description: The candidate's name as it should appear on the dog
307 example: Jane Q. Programmer
308 compatibility:
309 $ref: '#/components/schemas/DogCompatibility'
310 age:
311 type: number
312 description: How old the dog is
313 example: 2
314 Dog:
315 type: array
316 required:
317 - name
318 items:
319 type: object
320 properties:
321 name:
322 type: string
323 description: The candidate's name as it should appear on the dog
324 example: Jane Q. Programmer
325 compatibility:
326 $ref: '#/components/schemas/DogCompatibility'
327 age:
328 type: number
329 description: How old the dog is
330 example: 2
331 DogCompatibility:
332 type: object
333 properties:
334 cats:
335 type: string
336 description: How well does the dog get on with cats
337 example: Not very well
338 kids:
339 type: string
340 description: How well does the dog get on with kids
341 example: Really well
342 mailmen:
343 type: string
344 description: How well does the dog get on with the mailman
345 example: Best buds
Swagger definition for a Doggo API, part of the demo project

Usually the Swagger document would be used to create a mock server for a consumer to use, to test its API integration code, but instead I used Pact.

Building the API consumer

It can feel a bit odd to build the API consumer before there’s even an API to consume but when working in a distributed team I’ve done this a number of times with both front-end and back-end teams building against the same API definition, integrating later which has always caused issues (something Pact solves).

I built a new module in my front-end repository to integrate with the to-be API and created a test suite for that module in Jest, using Pact to define the request to be sent to the API provider and the expected response.

1describe('getDogs', () => {
2 describe('Get Dog list for authenticated user', () => {
3 beforeEach(async () => {
4 updateAuthenticationToken(authenticationToken);
5 const interaction = {
6 state: 'The user has authenticated',
7 uponReceiving: 'a request for all Dogs the user has created',
8 withRequest: {
9 path: collectionEndpoint,
10 method: 'GET',
11 headers: {
12 authorization: `Bearer ${authenticationToken}`,
13 },
14 },
15 willRespondWith: {
16 body: dogList,
17 status: 200,
18 headers: {
19 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
20 },
21 },
22 };
23 await provider.addInteraction(interaction);
24 });
25 it('Returns the list of Dogs for the authenticated user', async () => {
26 const response = await getDogs();
27 expect(response).toEqual(dogList);
28 await provider.verify();
29 });
30 });
Example Pact test, the interaction is described and then validated against a mock server

Pact then uses these definitions (called a pact) to create a mock server that the front-end API requests will be sent to and will return the expected response, allowing the functions to be integration tested without the API provider needing to be accessible.

One gotcha to look out for is when you have tests that match against the same response status, say a test for a 401 returned because the user doesn’t send an authentication header and a 401 because the authentication token is invalid, in this instance Pact will only add the first interaction for the response code to the final pact.

I then published the pact to the Pact Broker, which is a server that manages the pacts for other services to validate against, test results and relationships between the API consumers and providers.

1const publisher = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');
2const path = require('path');
4const opts = {
5 providerBaseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080',
6 pactFilesOrDirs: [path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'pacts')],
7 pactBroker: 'http://localhost:9292',
8 pactBrokerUsername: 'test',
9 pactBrokerPassword: 'test',
10 consumerVersion: '1.0.0',
The JS implementation of Pact has a simple way of publishing pacts, other implementations may differ

Setting up the Pact Broker

Pact offer a Docker image for the Pact Broker which is perfect for local testing as it can be spun up quickly but they also provide a free tier on their paid for service Pactflow that allows for 5 pacts to be held.

I’ve created a Docker Compose file you can use to set up the Pact Broker which will make the service available at http://localhost:9292 (use test for both the username and password to log in).

1version: "3.3"
3 broker:
4 image: pactfoundation/pact-broker:2.52.2-1
5 environment:
7 PACT_BROKER_DATABASE_NAME: pact_broker.sqlite
13 ports:
14 - 9292:9292
Spinning up the Pact Broker in Docker is really easy

Once the pact publish job is configured to upload the pact to the Pact Broker and the pact is published, the consumer’s pact will be available in the Pact Broker’s UI.

Pact report
Once the consumer’s pact is published to the Pact Broker it’s available to be verified by the provider

The next step is to use the Pact Broker to allow the API provider to download the API consumer’s pact, verifying whether the API provider honours that pact and uploading the results to the Pact Broker.

Building the API provider using Pact for TDD

The ability to download the API consumer’s pact and verify conformance shows the power of consumer-driven contracts as now we’re able to use the already verified contract in order to practise Test Driven Development (TDD).

The test suite for an API provider is less verbose compared to the one built for the API consumer. This is because the concerns of these test suites are verifying the pact is honoured instead of defining it.

1describe('Pact verification', () => {
2 const port = 8080;
3 const opts = {
4 provider: 'doggo-api-provider',
5 providerBaseUrl: `http://localhost:${port}`,
6 pactBrokerUrl: 'http://localhost:9292',
7 pactBrokerUsername: 'test',
8 pactBrokerPassword: 'test',
9 publishVerificationResult: true,
10 providerVersion,
11 };
13 beforeAll(async () => {
14 apiServer.listen(port, '', () => {
15 console.log(`${} listening at ${apiServer.url}`);
16 });
17 });
19 afterAll(async () => {
20 apiServer.close();
21 });
23 it('Should validate the expectations of consumers', () => {
24 return new Verifier().verifyProvider(opts);
25 });
The provider test downloads the pacts it needs to verify, runs the server, tests them and publishes the results

Once the test suite is run the test suite results will be uploaded to the Pact Broker and results will be visible for everyone to see. This means that should the tests fail then it’s easy to see which consumers are impacted by changes.

passing pact report
Once the provider runs it’s test the results of the pact are published to the Pact Broker

Red, Green, Refactor

In order to get my initial test suite passing for the API I relied heavily on stubbed values but of course the final app would use a proper authentication service to do this, which can be hard to manage when using Pact.

Pact’s JSON structure is static, so authentication tokens and other potentially dynamic data needs to be available to both the consumer and provider at time of the tests running.

Pact suggest a few ways to mitigate the issue such as using long lived authentication tokens or to have authentication as a separate layer, allowing Pact to run against the unauthenticated endpoints.

When refactoring my API to use firebase, I opted to keep the stubbed values but use Jest’s excellent mocking features to build mocks for the firebase/app , firebase/auth and firebase-admin modules, returning the stubs within the mocks.

This allowed me to move all my test logic out of the controllers and into those underlying functions and is much better than my previous approach of using a strategy pattern to return stubs based on the NODE_ENV being test (Jest sets this at runtime).

Test data

As the API grows in functionality and number of consuming services it becomes important to manage test data and ensure a consistent set of values being used for behaviour flags for stubbed data.

I managed this by creating another test data module that stored all the request and response payloads as well as values for authentication tokens and IDs, allowing me to change any test values without breaking the tests due to data mismatches.

In my demo project I use this technique also, with the test data being found in the common folder.


By using consumer-driven contract testing I was able to verify my front-end would work with my API before I had even built the API itself and then used the pact from the consumer to build the API using TDD.

As someone who has been on multiple teams where we’ve either been given a Swagger document that turned out to be out of date or had to spend time reworking API integrations due to the back-end developers not interpreting the Swagger document the same way the front-end developers did Pact is an amazing solution.

In my app development I’ve used Pact’s Pactflow service in my Continuous Integration (CI) in order to verify the pact on every push, using the app’s version straight from the package.json to ensure versioning is reported properly.

As my app grows in size I look forward to seeing how Pact scales as more consumers get built to handle more focused jobs using the data from the CRUD API.

Check it out yourself

I’ve created a demo project that contains a API consumer, API provider and a Docker Compose file to run the Pact Broker that can be used to play with Pact and see how consumer-driven contracts testing can bring a higher level of quality to API powered applications.

Demo project to show off Pact